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Ramon Saciloti has the fastest bike

Redação Webventure/ Parceiros

Ramon got the best time in the Super Prime  (foto: Marcelo Maragni/
Ramon got the best time in the Super Prime (foto: Marcelo Maragni/

With 1min31s07, pilot Ramon Saciloti was the fastest bike. Starting beside his sister, Moara Saciloti (the only woman in the bike category), he got the mark, but has already told his sister that he does not want to race side by side with her. “I loved to start with my sister, it was very moving! But we both agree that all this emotion ends up in the way. We end up paying too much attention in what the other one is doing, and end up loosing focus, but it was very good riding with her”, he said.

Ramon also praised the Super Prime track, and the city of Goiânia, that, according to him, is getting better and better for the Sertões competitors. “The track was very good, even being smaller than the last years’. And the audience here is very receptive. It is very pleasant to ride in here”, celebrated the pilot.

Head already in the rally fist special, the pilot warns his competition that he is aware of the difference in riding the Super Prime, and the rally, with more than 5,000 kilometers. “I’ll start in the first place tomorrow, but I will not put as much energy as I have put today. The rally has more than 5,000 kilometers, and one can’t step on the gas all the time. You need to go calmer”, finishes the pilot, still thrilled with tonight’s result.

Completing the grid The difference between the fist and second place was two seconds only. Sergio Henrique Klaumann scored the second time, followed by Zé Hélio, with 1min36s09.

Zé Hélio, also thinking about tomorrow’s section, said that difficulties will be huge. “The special is going to be good, but it is going to be hard. First of all, because we are still adapting with the equipment, and than for the section’s own difficulties”, remembers the present bikes champion.

Este texto foi escrito por: renato Brasileiro/

Last modified: junho 23, 2009

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