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Third Day: Sertões International Rally gets to Minaçu (GO)

Redação Webventure/ Parceiros

Minaçu is the last city in the state of Goiás (foto: )
Minaçu is the last city in the state of Goiás (foto: )

For the third time, Minaçu (GO) receives the Sertões International Rally. Located in the Tocantins hydrographic basin, the city is close to the state’s north border, and due to its economy, that is mainly industry and commerce, it has good hosting, food and services for the visitors.

Serra da Mesa Lake is one of the biggest attractions in the place, with around 1,784 km². It has turned the place into an entertainment and hosting point. The Tocantins River dam forms the lake, where Serra da Mesa Hydroelectric Plant is located.

The first time Sertões passed by Minaçu was in 2006, with a long special of 646 Km, that was won by Tiago Fantozzi on bikes, Amable Barrasa/ José Papacena/ Domênico Montalbano on trucks, and Klever Kolberg/ Eduardo Bampi on cars category.

Este texto foi escrito por: Redação Webventure

Last modified: junho 26, 2009

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