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First test of fire for pilots and navigators today

Redação Webventure/ Parceiros

3rd stage: Goiás (GO) Minaçu (GO)
# Initial liaison: 11 km
# Special: 393 km
# Final liaison: 316 km
Total of the day: 645 km

It’s a long day, with 645 Kiometers, one of the longest in the rally. We will make an 11 Km initial liaison from Goiás, and the special will start near Cachoeira das Andorinhas. From then, pilots will face slow and medium speed roads, river crossings, and many precarious bridges to cross. We entered farmlands with hidden trails, not so visible, demanding a lot of navigation. The special then goes faster, with stretches of medium and high speed, and will end in Pilar de Goiás, for a long final liaison, with 316 Kilomters until Minaçu (GO), end of the third day.

Este texto foi escrito por: Redação Webventure

Last modified: junho 26, 2009

Redação Webventure
Redação Webventure