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Mauricio Neves helps Carlos Sainz out of hole

Redação Webventure/ Parceiros

Neves and Bampi helped Sainz and Cruz today (foto: Marcelo Marangni/
Neves and Bampi helped Sainz and Cruz today (foto: Marcelo Marangni/

Straight from Palmas (TO) No one have seen this coming. Brazilian pilot Mauricio Neves and navigator Eduardo Bampi helped the other Volkswagen, Carlos Sainz/ Lucas Cruz, out of a hole in today’s special.

“This was not a very good day. I slipped on a right turn, fell in a hole and had to wait for Maurício to tow me out”, remembered Sainz, that lost his car’s back body in the accident. They lost 6 minutes.

“We saw Sainz stuck out of the track and stopped. After that, when waiting for them to go back to the race, we lost some time”, said Bampi. “We were riding well, and made the first partials faster than Sainz. He asked us to start over ahead of us, and we lost some time. We are working for the team, and this was a good teamwork”, told Mauricio.

Close fight With today’s accident, Nasser Al-Attihya/ Timo Gottschalk open 1min27 ahead of Sainz/ Cruz. Neves/ Bampi are in 6th, with com 3h15min03 behind Sainz. “Due to our problems two days ago, we are not competing with them anymore”, said Bampi.

Mauricio Neves’goal is to get to know the car in order to take part in the team during the Rally Dakar. “Volks’ goal is to take me to the Dakar, and I have to accumulate kilometers. “I think I would be too pretentious to enter the team without even training, and wish to win the rally. I am happy to be racing along witn Sainz and Nasser. I’ve been enjoying the rally to get to know the car, and measure up with them. I rode close to them everyday, this is fantastic”, said the Brazilian pilot.

Este texto foi escrito por: Webventure

Last modified: junho 27, 2009

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