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Today’s decision can influence the performance in next stage

Redação Webventure/ Parceiros

6th stage: Luis Eduardo Magalhães (BA) Barra (BA)
# Initial liaison: 36 km
# Special: 361 km
# Final liaison: 160 km
Total of the day: 557 km

This is a very special day, because in the end, pilots will have to have chosen the correct tires. We’re entering the Marathon Stage, and the special will not be easy. There are 36 kilometers for an initial liaison. We start for the special at Acaba Vidas (Life Ender) waterfall, and they will drive a long, 361-km, special. It starts fast, with some gravel sections, and then we have a section with sand and stones, some trials, river crossings, very slow sections in farms. Then we will enter a maze in cultivated lands that is fantastic, and will be a real headache for the navigators. Then the race starts to be fast again. We are going to pass by Formoso, Santa Rita, and we are going to finish the special in Mansidão. It is a special with 361 kilometers, and then a final liaison of 160 kilometers on dirt road to get to Barra, in the Marathon Stage. Total of the day: 557 kilometers. Just as a reminder, the choice of the tires, in the morning, will be crucial for the good performance on the dread sands.

Este texto foi escrito por: Redação Webventure

Last modified: junho 29, 2009

Redação Webventure
Redação Webventure