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Zé Hélio Wins another stage; Nielsem Bueno arrives one second behind in the 7th day of Sertões International Rally

Redação Webventure/ Parceiros

Zé Hélio has best time in 7th stage (foto: Renato Cukier/
Zé Hélio has best time in 7th stage (foto: Renato Cukier/

1The Sertões International Rally 7th special promised lots of hardship for the competitors. A sandy section and scorching temperatures would make the Marathon Stage an exciting one, since they could not have help from mechanics, support staff or pilots from other categories. The strategy would be to spare the equipment in this stage, and the winner was, once again, Zé Hélio, who won his sixth stage, after placing second yesterday. The pilot finished the 240 Km in 3h11min42.

Polish pilots Jacek Czachor and Jakub Przygonski finished right after him, but did not manage to place first. Nielsem Paraíso Bueno finished the stage in a mere second more than Zé Hélio, and had the second time of the day.

Guto Klaumann made the third best time, totaling 3h12min42, and Ike Klaumann the fifth, 3h18min03. Third place went to João Ricardo Geaquinto, with 3h13min18.

Deni do Nascimento arrived 16 seconds after Ike, placing sixth, in 3h18min19, and Juca Bala also followed the first pilots, finishing the special in 3h18min24, five seconds after the leader of the Off-Road Brazilian Champion.

Rodolpho Mattheis, from Petrobras Lubrax team, was the eight pilot of the day, and completed the stage in 3h21min18. Jakub and Jacek placed 9th and 10th, in 3h23min30 and 3h24min10. Ezair Rodrigo Bossa finished 11th place, finishing in 3h27min51. All times are extra-official.

Check out the extra-official times after the 7th stage:

1º) Zé Hélio 3h11min42
2º) Nielsem Paraíso Bueno 3h11min43
3º) Sérgio Augusto (Guto) Klaumann 3h12min42
4º) João Ricardo Geaquinto 3h13min18
5º) Sérgio Henrique (Ike) Klaumann 3h18min03
6º) Denísio do Nascimento 3h18min19
7º) Juca Bala 3h18min24
8º) Rodolpho Mattheis 3h21min18
9º) Jakub Przygonski 3h23min30
10º) Jacek Czachor 3h24min10
11º) Ezair Rodrigo Bossa 3h27min51

Este texto foi escrito por: Redação Webventure

Last modified: junho 30, 2009

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