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Nasser Al-Attiyah wins last stage after Sainz’s problems

Redação Webventure/ Parceiros

Nasser was the rally’s second placer (foto: Marcelo Maragni/
Nasser was the rally’s second placer (foto: Marcelo Maragni/

The cars special in the 17th edition of Sertões International Rally was exciting. Nasser Al-Attiyah and Carlos Sainz left for the 93-kilometer section with a difference of 3min53 between them. The Spanish driver was the leader, and the Qatari pilot started first. Nasser won the stage in 1h03min55.

In the special, the pairs from the German Volkswagen team had a huge battle, riding close all the way, until Sainz missed an indication on the road book and making a mistake. He arrived with the third time, totaling 1h06min38, but his loss of time on the trail was not enough to take him from the first place in the Grand Total.

Maurício Neves and Eduardo Bampi made the second best time, taking the Touaregs to the three best places of the day, with 1h04min24 racing. Antonio Franciosi/ Rafael Capoani made the fourth best time, totaling 1h08min31.

The fifth pair to cross the finish line was Reinaldo Varela/ Marcos Macedo, with 1h10min59. Romeu Franciosi/ Deco Muniz were 6th, with 1h14min13.

Richard Vaders/ José Spacassassi placed 7th, finishing in 1h14min50, 37 seconds after Romeu and Deco.

The pairs Augusto Fiergelbwski/ Carba Martinatti, Felipe Bibas/ Emerson Cavassim and Antonio Cassol/ Rodrigo Melo completed the top ten.

Touaregs dominium – Carlos Sainz/ Lucas Cruz won the rally, with a total time of 29h16min40 after ten stages. Nasser Al-Attiyah/ Timo Gottschalk were 1min09 behind the champions.

Jean Azevedo/ Youssef Haddad were the best Brazilian team in Sertões International Rally, and placed third, Roberto Reijers/ Rodrigo Almeida, who got 12th place in the day, got the 4th best place in the Grand Total, 5h35min21 behind the winners. Felipe Bibas/ Emerson Cavassim placed 5th, followed by Maurício Neves/ Eduardo Bampi.

Luiz Facco/ Sílvio Deusdará were 7th, and good results gave Richard Vaders/ José Spacassassi the 8th place in the Grand Total. Jarbas Caiado/ Wallace Von Schimidt were the 9th pair in the competition.

Romeu Franciosi/ Deco Muniz finished Sertões International Rally 2009 with the 10th place. All times are extra-official.

Check out the extra-official list of the 10th stage

1) Nasser Al-Attiyah/ Timo Gottschalk 1h03min55
2) Maurício Neves/ Eduardo Bampi 1h04min24
3) Carlos Sainz/ Lucas Cruz 1h06min38
4) Antonio Franciosi/ Rafael Capoani 1h08min31
5) Reinaldo Varela/ Marcos Macedo 1h10min59
6) Romeu Franciosi/ Deco Muniz 1h14min13
7) Richard Vaders/ José Spacassassi 1h14min50
8) Augusto Fiergelbwski/ Carba Martinatti 1h15min47
9) Felipe Bibas/ Emerson Cavassin 1h16min38
10) Antonio Cassol/ Rodrigo Melo 1h17min22

Check out the final extra-official list

1) Carlos Sainz/ Lucas Cruz
2) Nasser Al-Attiyah/ Timo Gottschalk
3) Jean Azevedo/ Youssef Haddad
4) Roberto Reijers/ Rodrigo Almeida
5) Felipe Bibas/ Emerson Cavassin
6) Maurício Neves/ Eduardo Bampi
7) Luís Facco/ Sílvio Deusdará
8) Richard Vaders/ José Spacassassi
9) Jarbas Caiado/ Wallace Von Schimidt
10) Romeu Franciosi/ Deco Muniz

Este texto foi escrito por: Redação Webventure

Last modified: julho 3, 2009

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Redação Webventure