
Accident during yesterday special made Petrobras Lubrax team truck forfeit tody stage

Andre Azevedo now races to finish among the three best trucks (foto: Theo Ribeiro/ www.webventure.com.br)

An almost 4-second flight cost today stage to the Petrobras Lubrax team truck. Like this, the trio lost the second part of the Marathon, and every chance to place first in their category.

But André Azevedo, Maykel Justo and Ronaldo Pinto’s adventure didn’t go on intentionally. According to Azevedo, there was a mistake in the road book. “There was a very abrupt bump on the road, a take-off bump. Driving at 120 km/h, the truck took off, and flew for 3, 4 seconds”, explained the pilot.

After landing, the damage was immediately felt. “The truck fell on the front wheel, broke the semi-axle, and stopped the front transmission. Due to that, I lost traction. I had to disassemble the whole thing in the middle of the road, and only managed to get to the Parc Fermé at night, after the time limit”, informed André Azevedo.

The trio had to be towed from Barra (BA) to Petrolina, to receive mechanical support from their team.

André also said that it wouldn’t be worth to face today special in the present conditions. “We’re then 4×2, impossible to ride on sand, that reigns over this seventh stage”, he pondered.

Now, knowing what’s possible for them, the trio will face another 197 Km tomorrow, but with a different goal. “To finish between the first three large trucks, and get to the end. Our goal has changed a little bit, winning became difficult”, said the pilot.

* With information from Thiago Padovanni, straight from Petrolina (PE)

Este texto foi escrito por: Redação Webventure*