
After an incident in 2008, Juca Bala focuses on finishing the Sertões International Rally

Juca Bala trusts in a good start (foto: Thiago Padovanni/ www.weventure.com.br)

Juca Bala returns to Sertões in 2009 with one main will: get to the end of it. In 2008, right in the beginning of the competition, a problem on his bike made him say goodbye to the dispute without even getting a chance to ride the Brazilian trails.

“I hope I have a great result, but in order to get it on Sertões, you first have to get to the end”, he said in the Super Prime evening. Confident, the pilot praised his own bike, the one he used in the last race of the Brazilian Championship.

Juca tells that his strategy will be to accelerate from the middle of the rally on, and that without the presence of the foreigner pilots, his Brazilian competitors are already declared, like Tiago Fantozzi, Dionísio do Nascimento, Brazilian leader, Zé Hélio, present Sertões champion. “And we always face pilots that outshine during the race”.

About the mystical image of doing well in the Super Prime and having some advantage with that, Juca Bala believes that there are some positive factors in being the first to start, but the experienced pilot does not care a lot about the placing.

“The advantage is not to eat too much dust, there are still some tracks, and the one that comes right behind me has difficulties in following the tracks. And the disadvantages are that some things could have escaped the organization, even with the helicopter monitoring, a closed gate can show up. I have lost a Sertões International Rally in the Super Prime because I fell, I stayed behind, and I ate too much dust the first days. I only managed to show up after the fist half, and didn’t manage to recover and placed second. I made a pristine rally, but my flaw was in the Super Prime”, remembered Juca.

* With information from Thiago Padovanni, from Goiânia

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