
Analyses: Kleber Tinoco comments Sertões International Rally 4th stage

Volkswagen triple victory (foto: André Chaco/ www.webventure.com.br)

Invited by Webventure, Kleber Tinoco, RN 1500 Rally, will make daily comments on Sertões International Rally 2009. Check it out:

The “longest of days”, with a 373 Km special, full of variables, alternating slow and fast sections, with lots of navigation, did not offer any surprise for the rally’s result.`

Checking out today’s extra-official results, I can expect that the story that has been written until now will follow the same course, with some pilots reaching the dreamed “comfort zone”, where the difference from the second placers growing bigger, the leaders’ goal is to keep everything under control until they get to Natal…

Once again, Zé Hélio won, four victories in four stages!
With today’s result, he opens a difference of 39 minutes to Denísio Nascimento that made 3rd best time, and occupies the second place in general classification. Deni lost one minute when caught by the speed control yesterday.

International pilots showed up again: Polish Jakub Przygonski made the 2nd best time, and Portuguese Pedro Bianchi was 5th, right behind Juca Bala.

Juca occupies 3rd place in general, with Guto Klaumann in 4th, and Rodoplho Mattheis em 5th. Considering the small time differences, and the fact that we are still in the 5th day of the race, it is most probable that come changes occur between the 4th and 10th places.

Today’s highlights are the return of Ike Klaumann, which had mechanical problems during yesterday’s stage, and the absence of Tiago Fantozzi that had pain in his leg due to the accident in the 2nd stage, and preferred not to ride today.

If there is anyone in the “comfort zone” here, this guy is Cristiano Souza, he won another stage, and Carlo Collet was second once again, with Heronaldo Andrade in third. Thanks to this result, Cristiano opened his advantage in general classification, and is 1h02m ahead of Collet, second place and 2h21m ahead of Bruno Leão, third place. If he keeps calm and determined, I think Souza will win, just reminding that Collet is strong and has enough experience to catch up if Souza makes any mistake.

Volkswagen team is really comfortable, which had another triple victory in today’s special, and may win another Sertões. We just need to know if Al Attyah or Sainz will place first, but I still bet on the Spanish. But Sainz did not do well today, once again. Nasser Al Attyah won the special and is leading the general classification, with 1 minute and 27 seconds ahead of Sainz; Jean Azevedo occupies the 3rd position, 26 minutes ahead of Riamburgo Ximenes that is in 4th place, 34 minutes ahead of Roberto Reijers, riding steady and focused.

Not counting the foreigners, I don’t believe much will change among the ten pilots that occupy the first places.

Today’s special had practically 300 kilometers cut, but this doesn’t matter, because Edu Piano’s saga goes on, and he won once again over Amable Barrasa and Guido Salvini. Ford team advantage is still around 18 minutes. But here is just a reminder: there is still a lot of rally ahead.

5th day
In theory, tomorrow is the most tranquil day, if ever we could say anything like that about a rally. But I think things will start to change among the cars. Let’s see!

Este texto foi escrito por: Webventure