Bulweria fallax is a poorly known species of the north west Indian Ocean, occurring widely offshore in the Arabian Sea and Gulfs of Aden and Oman, where it is often the commonest pelagic seabird (Porter et al. 1996), although there are no numerical estimates of total population size or trend. It occurs commonly east of 58E in the Arabian Sea as far as the Maldive Ridge, regularly east to southern India and Sri Lanka, and incidentally further east (Van den Berg et al. 1991). During the summer monsoon (May September) it congregates off the Socotra archipelago (Yemen), where a breeding colony of at least c.50 pairs was recently discovered (Taleb 2002) and where c.3,000 pairs are now estimated to nest locally on mainland cliffs (Al Saghier et al.
But increase it too much and they will send customers to competitors. DeHaan notes that customers are more likely to comparison shop for gas when prices are rising and less so when they seem stable or are declining. A gas station business model relies on attracting customers for the gas and then getting them into the accompanying convenience store where the higher profit margin items are for sale..
I stayed in Helvellyn youth hostel around 20 years ago and I thought it was brilliant. I can’t imagine anyone building a hotel in that sort of location, and I think it serves a valuable purpose as a refuge for walkers caught out on the high fells as well as being ideally placed for those who want to experience proper hostelling. My son worked there for a season as a hostel assistant and loved it when visiting him we didn’t get the impression that it was outdated.
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