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Categories leaders start their final fight for cars titles

Redação Webventure/ Parceiros

Jean and Youssef lead their category (foto: Ricardo Leizer/
Jean and Youssef lead their category (foto: Ricardo Leizer/

With only two specials to the end of the Sertões International Rally, it looks like the champions are already being defined. In cars, Nasser Al-Attiyah and Carlos Sainzboth from Volkswagen team, fight for victory, and swapped the first place along all the rally.

The difference between them is only 3min40, and the Qatari pilot is leading the race, in his category T1 FIA, and in the Grand Total. Sainz occupies the second place in both classifications.

Jean Azevedo and Youssef Haddad have the third place in the Grand Total, and are leading Prototypes category. Following them, the pair from Petrobras Lubrax team Roberto Reijers and Rogério de Almeida are 4th in the Grand Total, and 2nd in Prototypes.

Felipe Bibas and Emerson Cavassim are holding, until now, 5th place in Grand Total, and 3rd in Prototypes.

Leading Super Production, Luiz Facco and Sílvio Deusdará place their Mitsubishi L200 in the 6th place. Maurício Neves/ Eduardo Bampi take the tird Volkswagen Touareg to the 3rd place in T1 FIA category, but place 7th in the Grand Total.

Otto Baumgart and Gabriel Foltram place 2nd in Super Production, but in Grand Total, they place 14, followed by Mauro Guedes and Corban Costa, who have the 15th place in Grand Total, and 3rd in Super Production.

In Production, Policarpo de Oliveira leads with Romulo Espada, but holds the 22nd place in the Grand Total.

Este texto foi escrito por: Lilian El Maerrawi/

Last modified: julho 2, 2009

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Redação Webventure