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Chicken almost puts an end to Thiago Fantozzi’s Sertões

Redação Webventure/ Parceiros

Thiago had a hard time in the special (foto: Caetano Barreira/
Thiago had a hard time in the special (foto: Caetano Barreira/

An incident in today’s special almost put an end to the bikes category pilot. Thiago Fantozzi, one of the leaders of the category, had to see the doctors to have his leg examined, because a chicken crossed his way.

“It was a farm road. A chicken jumped in front of my bike and got entangled with my wheel. In trying not to fall, I put my foot on the ground and twisted my ankle”, remembers the pilot that has already seen the doctors and is getting ready for this Friday’s start.

Fantozzi was leading the special when he ran over the bird, and even though he finished third on the race, totaling 4h54min34, around ten minutes behind the winner of the day, Zé Hélio.

“I had been leading the special, and I believe that after this, Zé must be far ahead, but as far as I know, it is going to be a close dispute among the Brazilian pilots. The incident compromised my special, I couldn’t stand on the bike. It was a fight against the odometer to get there early”, declared Thiago.

Despite the emotion, Fantozzi says he is prepared for the surprises in Sertões. “The special got weird after this incident, and the pain is quite unbearable. Here in the rally we are subject to everything, but we come here prepared to whatever may come. But there are always surprises”.

*With the collaboration of Thiago Padovanni, from Cidade de Goiás (GO)

Este texto foi escrito por: Redação Webventure*

Last modified: junho 25, 2009

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Redação Webventure