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Cristiano Sousa has absolute leadership in first stages

Redação Webventure/ Parceiros

Cristiano Sousa has good advantage in accumulated time (foto: Chaco/
Cristiano Sousa has good advantage in accumulated time (foto: Chaco/

Once again, in quads category, Cristiano Sousa won today’s special, and is far ahead of the other pilots’

Despite riding hard today, Carlo Collet’s performance was not enough to catch up this year’s leader. Riding in 5h14min44s8, Collet was still five minutes slower than Cristiano Sousa. The leader’s time was 5h9min38s7.

In the competition accumulated time, Sousa’s advantage is large. Until now, the pilots had three timed specials, and the difference from the fist to the second places is almost an hour.

The rookie made a good ride today Today was the easiest day for Rodrigo Varela. After facing a dry tank in the first day, and the hardship of yesterday’s trail, Varela Jr finished today’s special with the best time.

Check out the quads classification on today’s section:

1) Cristiano Sousa 5h9min38s
2) Carlo Collet 5h14min44s
3) Rodrigo Varela 5h28min
4) Marcio José Pessoa 5h57min37s
5) Bruno Leão Sperancini 6h05min30s

Este texto foi escrito por: Redação Webventure

Last modified: junho 26, 2009

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