
Day Summary: Nasser and Timo take back leadership

Leader Cristiano in action (foto: Andre Chaco/ www.webventure.com.br)

The seventh day of Sertões International Rally had a close dispute between Volkswagen teammates. For the fifth time, Nasser Al-Attiyah and Timo Gottschalk placed first, and took the lead among cars. The pair completed the special in 2h37min16s, while Spanish Sainz and Lucas Cruz finished in 2h44min05. In the accumulated time, the difference between the cars is only 1min41s (24h21min02s5 and 24h22min43s7).

“It was a hard day today, especially due to the sand. And also for being the Marathon Stage, I think this was the hardest day of the rally. But I am very happy with our performance, and because we’re back in the leadership. I’ll do my best tomorrow, and it looks like the cup will be decided only in Natal”, said Nasser.

Sainz doesn’t look to bother with the classification change: “The special was closed today, and, in the end, there were lots of dust in our radiators. I had to stop three times to fix them, and we lost a lot of time. I think the dispute will be decided in the last stage only. The battle for the leadership is exciting”, said Touareg 301 pilot.

The stage begun in Barra (BA), with an 18 kilometers initial liaison, and finished in Petrolina (PE), after 289 kilometers final liaison. The special had 240 kilometers of pure sand, scorching temperatures, and little water. Total of the day: 548 kilometers.

This Wednesday, the race goes from Petrolina (PE) toJuazeiro do Norte (CE), with 213 kilometers of timed section. Among the trucks, this Tuesdays dispute had route changes, and the official results will be opened shortly. Before the seventh stage, the leadership belonged to the trio Edu Piano/ Davi Fonseca/ Solon Mendes with 17h49min15s5 followed by Amable Barrasa/ Guilherme Petrine and Guido Salvini/ Fernando Chwaigert/ Weidner Moreira.

In the bikes race, Zé Hélio won again. The pilot won for the sixth time, after placing second last Monday. The leader finished the 240 kilometers in 3h11min42s. “I rode a little bit more calmly. I had been sparing my equipment, but I was slower than the previous days. The Polish were faster, but ended up getting lost. I didn’t expect to finish the day ahead. I think the rally is good, well structured, a world-class rally, just as the previous editions. I’d like to congratulate the organization”, said Zé Hélio.

Second place stayed witn Nielsem Paraíso Bueno, who finished the secton a mere second behind Zé Hélio. Guto Klaumann made the third best time, with 3h12min42s. Polish Jacek Czachor, that broke Zé’s hegemony on Monday, finished 10th this Tuesday.

On quads, Carlo Collet placed first, after riding 240 kilometers in 3h40min01s. “It was a good marathon, everything went all right, no problem. My expectations were just shortening the distance to the first place. I was expecting to shorten even more, but there are still three days to go. Let’s see what can I do, I’ll keep going until the end”, concluded Collet.

Still placed first in general classification, Cristiano Sousa made the second best time: 3h49min19s. José Demontier was third, and finished the section in 4h04min22s.

Tuesday results:


1) Nasser Al-Attiyah/ Timo Gottschalk – 2h37min16
2) Carlos Sainz / Lucas Cruz – 2h44min05
3) Jean Azevedo/ Youssef Haddad 3h06min15


1) Zé Hélio 3h11min42
2) Nielsem Paraíso Bueno 3h11min43
3) Sérgio Augusto (Guto) Klaumann 3h12min42

1) Carlo Collet 3h40min01
2) Cristiano Sousa 3h49min19
3) José Demontier 4h04min22

General classification


1) Nasser Al-Attiyah/ Timo Gottschalk – 24h21min02s5
2) Carlos Sainz / Lucas Cruz – 24h22min43s7
3) Jean Azevedo/ Youssef Haddad 27h05min21s2


1) Zé Hélio -28h35min38s6
2) Denisio Nascimento 29h29min36s
3) Joaquim Gouveia – 29h55min24s8

1) Cristiano Sousa 29h55min24s8
2) Carlo Collet1 34h16min10s5
3) Bruno Sperancini 38h28min45s

Este texto foi escrito por: Redação Webventure