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Deni do Nascimento debuts in Sertões with a title in Sport and a second place in general classification.

Redação Webventure/ Parceiros

Debut with the right for a title for Deni. (foto: David Santos Jr/
Debut with the right for a title for Deni. (foto: David Santos Jr/

Denísio do Nascimento is almost twice a beginner. Two years ago in off-road, he could have been considered a beginner in the sport if not for his being the leader in bikes category in the Brazilian Championship, and for his second place in the general classification in Sertões International Rally, apart from his title in the Sport category. All this in his debut at the competition.
The fight with Zé Hélio was a direct battle, round by round, where he tried to diminish the advantage Zé Hélio five times Sertões champion got right in the first day. The mistakes have already been spotted, and Deni, 31, promises to be back in 2010, “but this time to fight for the title.”
“In the first day I was anxious when I left, not having properly studied the road book, and then I got mixed up. It was my first Sertões and I was too anxious. In the second day I already got acquainted to the equipment”, he recalled about his first Sertões. “I got too much dust every day because I didn’t start for the World Championship, and then I had to overtake too many bikes and quads, and overtaking like this is way too complicated. I can say that’s where I lost the race”, says he.
The Santa Catarina state born rider promises to correct his mistakes in order to return in 2010 ready to go for the title of Sertões. For him, the first mistake happened in the subscription, because he didn’t get in the same category as Zé Helio’s. “In order to battle with him, only if I am in the same category, starting the race side by side. Of course we came with the aim of winning, but we knew the difficulties and mistakes”, said Deni, who went for his first competition facing foreign pilots between Goiás and Rio Grande do Norte.
Being in the Sport category though gave him some greater advantage in the Brazilian Championship, in which he added points to run the Sertões. “Now all I got to do is administrate this advantage, “ celebrated the pilot, who started his career in 2008, running for the Brazilian Championship.
Denísio can already list his mistakes, learning and successes during the rally. His bigger problem was orienteering, given that in the Brazilian Championship the ways are not tracked. “What I got right was that I kept the calm and ease during the rounds”.
“Sometimes I rode slower than I could have, but I knew that I had to hold it, slow down, in order not to make any mistakes and lose out of some foolish thing,” he said.
Happy with the result, he praises the structure of the contest and considers it the best in the world in terms of quality. “Each day is a new defiance. One needs lots of determination to get to the end. It is an enormous joy to finish the race,” said Deni.
Mirror In order to get the title of the Rally dos Sertões in the next years, Denísio says he has a “mirror” to follow in the race, the five times champion Zé Hélio. “ He is the reference in the sport for all the Brazilians, and in my opinion, also abroad,” he said.
Besides Zé Hélio, Deni says he had a widely rich exchange of experiences with all the pilots, both native and foreigners. “I tried to profit from this, get the examples from Zé. I think that if a pilot focuses and works to win the Sertões, he has the chance to take him off his place in the next editions”, he said.
His success is regarded by himself not only due to his work, but also to his team, that worked restless and didn’t tremble with the problems that came out along the way. “The greater lesson I take from this race is: Give up, never. Fight, till the end,” finalizes the pilot.

Este texto foi escrito por: Lilian El Maerrawi/

Last modified: julho 4, 2009

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