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Edu Piano/ Solon Mendes win Sertões eight special

Redação Webventure/ Parceiros

Edu Piano keeps leading Sertões 2009 (foto: Theo Ribeiro/
Edu Piano keeps leading Sertões 2009 (foto: Theo Ribeiro/

Leaving from Petrolina (PE), the trucks that compete in Sertões International Rally had to drive 483 kilometers to get to Juazeiro do Norte (CE).

There were 197 kilometers of special, with all kinds of grounds and difficulties. And the competitor that managed to race faster, and overcome all hardship was, once again, Edu Piano/ Solon Mendes. With 2h17min47s, the pair finished the race almost 17 minutes aheado of the second truck.

Driving in 2h34min44s, Amable Barrasa/ Guilherme Petrine were the second truck to finish the trais, followed by Ulysses Marinzeck/ Evandro Bautz/ Jose Carvalho.

Yesterday stage During the 7th stage, Sertões International Rally organization decided to cut the special for the trucks. Due to that cut, the final timing of the day was still not updated.

Check out today times:

1) Edu Paino/ Solon Mendes 2h17min47s
2) Amable Barrasa/ Guilherme Petrine 2h34min44s
3) Ulysses Marinzeck/ Evadro Bautz/ Jose Carvalho 2h50min56s
4) Guido Salvini/ Fernando Chwaigert/ Raphael Mohamedi 2h59min23s

Este texto foi escrito por: Redação Webventure

Last modified: julho 1, 2009

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Redação Webventure