
Edu Piano wins again, André Azevedo, with problems, goes down to fifth place

Edu Piano in advantage in general classification (foto: Caetano Barreira/ www.webventure.com.br)

With a longer initial liaison between Minaçu (GO) to Palmas (TO), this would be the hardest day for the competitors, but once again, Edu Piano/ Solon Mendes/ Davi Fonseca made the fastest tace, and won in 1h05min31.

The distance to Amable Barrasa/ Guilherme Petrine was mere 55 seconds, totaling the special in 1h06min26. Third place of the day went to Guido Salvini/ Fernando Chwaigert/ Weidner Moreira, in 1h11min52. In fourth, Ulysses Marinzeck/ Evandro Luiz/ Jose de Carvalho completed the special in 1h14min24.

André Azevedo/ Maykel Justo/ Ronaldo Pinto, that placed third in the first three days of Sertões, fell to fifth place, totaling 1h22min09.This occured due to a problem in a part of the Atego. “The support of the left front shock absorber broke, and we had to drive like that the last 50 Km of the special. Without that part there is no action from the shock absorbers, and I lose the wheel control. I had to drive very slow because of that problem”, said André Azevedo.

In this stage, there was a cut, and the special was only 70Km long. The special was supposed to be 373 km long.

General classification Edu Piano, with todays results, opened a larger advantage over Amable, totaling 10h47min10. Second place is 18min47 behind the leader. Despite the problems, André Azevedo is still third, with 12h13min56.

Check out this Saturday´s times

1) Edu Piano/ Davi Fonseca/ Solom Mendes 1h05min31
2) Amable Barrasa/ Guilherme Petrine 1h06min26
3) Guido Salvini/ Fernando Chwaigert/ Weidner Moreira 1h11min52
4) Ulysses Marinzeck/ Evandro Luiz/ Jose de Carvalho 1h14min24
5) André Azevedo/ Maykel Justo/ Ronaldo Pinto 1h22min09
6) Carlos Eduardo Ribeiro/ Pedro de Lima/ Fábio Tadeu 1h32min22

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