
Edu Piano wins for the second time in Sertões

Trio goes on leading the trucks category (foto: André Chaco)

In a reduced special, the competitors in trucks category completed the race in around 3 ½ hours, and the winner was the trio Edu Piano/ Solon Mendes/ Davi Fonseca, in 3h35min54. The three first places stayed the same as the previous day.

Around nine minutes later, the team Barrasa/ Guilherme Petrine, in 3h44min50. Third place stayed with André Azevedo/ Maykel Justo/ Ronaldo Pinto, in 4h07min41. The special for the trucks has been cut this Thursday.

Just as for the other competitors, the stage was considered tiring, despite short. “A hard stage, with slow average speed and lots of narrow gates for trucks. The trees also got in the way, and stopped cars that made us go around. Ronaldo had to jump off the truck, in order to check part of the course”, told André.

Winner Even in a difficult special, Edu Piano reveals that he managed to finish the special with the strategy he had made for the day. “We drove well, we saved our vehicle for tomorrow, and finished the special with our goal accomplished: vehicle in one piece and a good placing”, declared the pilot.

Check out the stage result:

1) Edu Piano/ Solon Mendes/ Davi Fonseca 3h35min54
2) Amable Barrasa/ Guilherme Petrine 3h44min50
3) André Azevedo/ Maykel Justo/ Ronaldo Pinto 4h07min41
4) Ulysses Marinzeck Filho/Evandro Luiz Bautz/ José de Carvalho 4h38min19
5) Guido Salvini Netto/Weidner Moreira/ Fernando Chwaigert 5h09min51

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