
Fire puts an end to Helena Deyama and Joseane Koerich’s Sertões International Rally

Car was totaled due to fire (foto: Deco Muniz)

For the first time racing together in Sertões International Rally, Helena Deyama and Joseane Koerich went through hard moments during the 7th special. During the stage, between de Barra and Petrolina, their Mitsubishi TR4 went on fire.

Until now, the women didn’t arrive in Petrolina there is still no information about what caused the fire, but both are ok, and did not hurt. Until the sixth stage, Helena and Jose added up 42h17min48, in 32nd place.

Deco Muniz, Ramon Franciosi’s navigator and Webventure blogger, managed to take some pictures of the car, after the fire. With the incident, the only feminine team in the rally had to abandon the race.

Este texto foi escrito por: Redação Webventure