
First places start to be defined

8th stage: Petrolina (PE) Juazeiro do Norte (CE)
# Initial liaison: 65 km
# Special: 197 km
# Final liaison: 176 km
Total of the day: 438 km

From now on, we start to take our foot off the gas in many aspects. Not that the race is ending, because, technically, the specials are still very good. We are going to have a 65 Km liaison between Petrolina to Lagoa Grande, and we are starting the special right after Lagoa Grande. A 197 Km special in brushwood land. We expect a very dry day, and the pilots will face all kinds of terrain. Lots of narrow dams, gravel, stone, and not much sand today. Sands are behind us now. They will finish the section near Bodocó or Urucuri, and face a final liaison of 176 km. The 8th day has a total of 438 Km.

Este texto foi escrito por: Redação Webventure