The rider José Demontier (foto: Marcelo Maragni)
The quad rider, José Demontier Moura (207) said that he got to the end of the day today almost giving up. All because of the 321 kilometers in the final liaison. It is not the first time that the quad riders complain about the long stretches on the asphalt roads, where they have to control their off-road vehicles on high speed highways.
It was a wicked stretch, as [it is difficult] doing 540 kilometers on the eighth day [summing the Special to the liaisons]. But it is part of the competition. This rider from Ceará is almost crying uncle. Demontier finished the stage in second, traversing the 210 kilometers of the Special in2h52min12.
The Champion of the day, Leonardo Franco (209), agrees about the hardest part of the stage. The worst part of the day was the liaison. The Special was fun to do, he told Webventure. He finished the timed section in 2h47min8. And I still had problems at the end, as my quad started failing. I almost didnt make it.
* Andrei Spinassé collaborated, straight from Teresina (PI)
Este texto foi escrito por: Marilin Novak*