
Fourth day: Sertões arrives in Palmas (TO)

Palmas is the first city out of Goiás in the race (foto: Lilian El Maerrawi/ www.webventure.com.br)

Palmas (TO) was the last planned city in Brazil, and has been set as capital of Tocantins in January 1st, 1009, around 7 months after it’s founding. It has 2,219 sq km, and a population of 178 thousand people.

The city is famous for it’s fresh water beaches, because it is located between Serra do Lajeado and UHE Lajeado Lake. One of the most famous is Praia Preta (Black Beach), and Praia da Graciosa. It’s tranquil streets will become agitated with the Sertões caravan, offering a good structure for hostig, restaurants, shops and entertainment.

Considered the second most secure capital in Brazil by IPEA Applied Economy Research Institute, staying only behind Natal (RN), Palmas will see all pilots, navigators and teams that have survived the first four stages of the race.

From there, the rally will reach it’s half, and enter the state of Bahia.

Este texto foi escrito por: Redação Webventure