
Guido Salvini faces more mechanical problems in the second day of Sertões International Rally

Guido praises team and navigation (foto: Ricardo Leizer)

Guido Salvini placed fourth in the second special of Sertões International Rally, along with his team mates, and had to deal with mechanical problems since the very first day.

“In the beginning of today’s (Thursday) special we were ok, we were one munute ahead of André Azevedo. But then we entered a section full of bumps I’ve never seen so many of them, I think I’m going to dream about them and the section kept getting faster and faster. Due to my acceleration in the beginning, I got very tired, not only physically, but I harmed my truck too. I believe a diesel hose became slack on the connection with the filter and started leaking. When we smelled the fuel, we stopped to fix it around Km 130”, explained the pilot.

Guido told that the fix did not work very well, because such hose is pressure tightened, and there was nothing on hand to fix that, what made him stop five more times in the special.

But problems were not the only issue in Salvini’s team day. He says that there were many positive points on the way, like teamwork. “Navigation was perfect, the team was cool, and we had lots of fun. I think this is important: we are here, we are competing, but we are also having lots of fun”, finalized the positive-thinker.

Este texto foi escrito por: Redação Webventure