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Guido Salvini takes the trucks lead in T4.2

Redação Webventure/ Parceiros

Salvini placed third today (foto: Theo Ribeiro/
Salvini placed third today (foto: Theo Ribeiro/

Among the heavy weights in Sertões International Rally, trucks in category T4.2 4,801 to 8,500 kilograms Guido Salvini Netto/ Weidner Moreira/ Fernando Chwaigter made the best race in the sixth stage, in 4h11min17. With this result, the trio took the lead in the category.

They passed AndréAzevedo/ Maykel Justo/ Ronaldo Pinto, which had a problem during the special: a bump that was not in the roadbook, made the Petrobras Lubrax team Atego truck take off, and during landing, brake the front semi-axle. The racers drove to Barra (BA) and, even without mechanical service, will go on with the race.

Salvini Racing Team faced problems during Sertões stages, and now they are trying to recover. The team has a total of 21h02min37 against 23h32mi45 from André Azevedo’s team. “We were doing our job, stepping on the gas as if we were fighting for the first place, but we were relaxed about any kind of menace. Each day, we made good times, getting close to the first guy. Today, our main competition had problems and here we are, leading the category, and trying to keep our title in Sertões International Rally”, said Salvini.

Despite the result, the stage was very demanding for the navigator, as well. “The course was slow, with several curves. The pilot had to be good, and it demanded a high level of concentration from the navigator, too”, revealed Weidner.

Este texto foi escrito por: Redação Webventure

Last modified: junho 29, 2009

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