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Helena Deyama and Joseane Koerich say they’re happy with new car

Redação Webventure/ Parceiros

The only feminine partners of Sertões want to write history (foto: )
The only feminine partners of Sertões want to write history (foto: )

Despite all the experience that the only feminine partnership in cars category, Helena Deyama and Joseane Koerich know that many challenges and situations are unique, and only happen during Sertões International Rally.

“Besides the cows that constantly crossed the road, suddenly there comes a horse. I slowed down, thinking that it would also cross, but it wouldn’t. There was a man taking pictures from us. It was scary, and at the same time, funny, but that calmed down our nerves”, told Helena, the pilot.

Helena Deyama, in her 10th Sertões, said that she could control her anxiety. But her partner, Joseane Koerich was very nervous before the start. “We are getting used with everything, getting to know the adjustments. There are still some differences, but it was good, as expected”, said the navigator.

Despite the changes, in car and category, the pilot can’t complain. “I always thought the TR4 was a charming and competitive car, that’s why I decided to bet on it this year. I’m in love with it”, highlighted Deyama.

Este texto foi escrito por: Redação Webventure

Last modified: junho 25, 2009

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Redação Webventure