
High temperature and sand in excess will demand maximum effort from team and equipment

7th stage: Barra (BA) Petrolina (PE)
# Initial liaison: 18 km
# Special: 240 km
# Final liaison: 290 km
Total of the day: 548 km

7th stage. Marathon Stage. Tuesday, June 30th. Today, we’ll have a sandy 240 Km special the whole way. Pure sand, extremely high temperatures, little water, little river crossing only two, beautiful places but sand dominates from the start to the end. Only those teams that managed to spare their vehicles yesterday will have chance to cross these sands without further problems. The special ends in Pilão Arcado, and we still have 290 Km of final liaison to Petrolina. From then on, we’ll definitely have the first places set, and those who have a good margin ahead will hardly lose the cup. Day’s total: 548 kilometers.

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