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In 2010, Sertões International Rally will happen in August

Redação Webventure/ Parceiros

Zé Hélio was the champion in bikes (foto: Caetano Barreira)
Zé Hélio was the champion in bikes (foto: Caetano Barreira)

Straight from Natal (RN) Due to the World Cup in 2010, the 18th edition of Sertões International Rally will take place in August next year, but the date has not yet been defined. The only certain information is that the race will start in Goiânia (GO), as it already happened in the last eight editions. But the city of Natal (RN) is not confirmed as the finish line of the race.

“Our aim has always been to develop and promote the tourist side of the city of destination and we always try to do a better rally”, said Marcos Moraes, president of Dunas Race, organizer of the event.

In Natal alone, the estimation of Empresa Potiguar de Promoção Turística (Emprotur) is that around 2.000 people arrived in the city due to the rally, which increased the local economy. In Goiânia, 200 direct jobs and hundreds of indirect vacancies were generated. In the state of Goiás alone, the estimation is that Sertões invested from 25 to 30 million reais in the economy.

“It was really the best rally in the last years. The itinerary was very good, with a fantastic route. Without a doubt the entire Dunas team and the people directly involved in the organization of the event worked with a lot of dedication and this made the competition be more consistent from the beginning to the end”, said Moraes.

The competition – “The team had a good structure and a new itinerary that was planned with the level it showed, the result is there and everyone is satisfied with what the organization was able to present this year. I hope I am able to keep the same level for next year, and this is the major challenge, get this motivation and determination from the team to carry out a great event next year”, concluded Marcos.

Este texto foi escrito por: Thiago Padovanni

Last modified: julho 4, 2009

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