
In a day where everything seemed to go wrong Jean and Youssef finished as the best Brazilians in Sertões

Good luck with them Jean and Youssef were the best Brazilians of the day (foto: Renato Cukier/ www.webventure.com.br)

Straight from Petrolina After crashing during yesterday special, when they were out of power wheel, Jean Azevedo and Youssef Haddad had an unexpected day today, where everything went right, even with problems.

“Rally is full of surprises. When I woke up today, I prayed and asked to get out of the sand. Our direct competition was halted, and we even passed a Touareg in the special. Sending a Sentinel to a Volkswagen doesn’t happen everyday. This do not happen everyday”, remembers Youssef.

As soon as they got in the car in the morning, the intercom (internal communication between pilot and navigator) didn’t work, and they had to drive the first 15 kilometers shouting to each other. In the first radar zone, Youssef managed to replace the batteries, and they drove until the end with the spare intercom, but without radio.

“We got up today calculating how much we would loose. How far behind we would be, and what we had to do in order to catch up in the next three days. Little by little, things started to go right, and it was a good day. We thought: well, let’s drive until the end, and this may be a good day. Ad it ended up really good”, celebrates Haddad.

Wheel with wheel problems, every reference had to be warned more exactly, and this was tiring for Jean and Youssef. “Without the power steering wheel, everything is a concern, we have to anticipate everything, and we had to stop at each hole. I had to be careful, because if I lost the road, everything could go wrong. We also didn’t have our hydraulic jack, and a flat tire could have cost us the race”, he said.

Este texto foi escrito por: Thiago Padovanni/ www.webventure.com.br