
In a reduced size special, Edu Piano scores best time again in third day

Edu finishes special in 2h50min41 (foto: Chaco/ www.webventure.com.br)

The third day in Sertões International Rally had a 150 Km cut between Cidade de Goiás and Minaçu. And, for the third day in a row, Edu Piano/ Solon Mendes/ Davi Fonseca made the best time, 2h50min41, and opened 18min17 ahead of the second place in accumulated times.

“We still have lots of rally ahead of us, and it looks like this is going to be the hardest among all editions. The special was hard and difficult, it was too hard on the equipment. We drove well, we saved the truck as much as we could, and now we are prepared for the days to come”, said Piano after the race.

Amable Barrasa/ Guilherme Petrine completed the special two minutes later, in 2h52min05; followed by André Azevedo/ Maykel Justo/ Ronaldo Pinto, in 3h00min34. “It was too warm today, and the course was slow, so the pilot’s wear was more severe. But as the rally was counting for the Brazilian Championship until today, we decided not to push too hard on our Mercedes-Benz Atego. Tomorrow is the day to step on the gas”, declared André.

Even with mechanical problems last Thursday, the trio commanded by Guido Salvini got fourth place of the day, in 3h04min59. Marcos Pegoraro, that had difficulties in the first three days of the competition, managed to do a good race and arrived in fifth place, totaling 3h29min03.

Classification Check out the complete classification of trucks in today’s special; and then the accumulated times of the first three trucks:

1) Edu Piano/ Davi Fonseca/ Solom Mendes 2h50min41
2) Amable Barrasa/ Guilherme Petrine 2h52min05
3) André Azevedo/ Maykel Justo/ Ronaldo Pinto 3h00min34
4) Guido Salvini/ Fernando Chwaigert/ Weidner Moreira 3h04min59
5) Marcos Pegoraro/ Maria Antonieta Ribeiro/ Rogeverson Pimenta 3h29min03
6) Ulysses Marinzeck/ Evandro Luiz/ Jose de Carvalho 3h30min05
7) Carlos Eduardo Ribeiro/ Fábio Tadeu/ Pedro de Lima 3h58min17


1) Edu Piano/ Davi Fonseca/ Solom Mendes 9h40min38
2) Amable Barrasa/ Guilherme Petrine 9h58min55
3) André Azevedo/ Maykel Justo/ Ronaldo Pinto 10h49min22

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