
In the 3rd day, Zé Hélio scores best time in slow section, with lots of traverses

Denísio do Nascimeto made 2nd best time (foto: David Santos Jr/ www.webventure.com.br)

The first test of fire for the pilots happened on the third day of the Sertões International Rally. With a special of 317 kilometers, an initial liaison of 11 kilometers and a final liaison of 316 kilometers between Cidade de Goiás and Minaçu, Zé Hélio made the best time for the third time, and completed the section in 4h32min29.

When questioned about a possible fifth title, Zé changes the matter. “We can’t talk about it. We still have a week ahead. A rally is always a rally. We can draw, but the pen can’t finish before the drawing”, said the pilot.

The second to arrive was the Polish Kuba Przygonski, in 4h43min56 and was followed by his team mate, Jacek Czachor, with a total time of 4h55min38.

The special brought problems to some pilots, like Carlos Ambrósio, that had to leave the competition on Km 174 after slipping and falling from his bike. He was helped by the medical staff, and left the race in pain in his clavicle.

Juca Bala also had a little problem with a slow rider, Zé fell but is ok. Now the job is to reassemble the bike, and the team is working on that. “Today was more difficult than yesterday, lots of stones, lots of navigation, erosion. But it was all worth”, told the pilot

Moara Saciloti didn’t complete the special either. She fell and lost consciousness for a moment, but recovered and said she was ok to ride, and the doctors approved her decision. When she returned to the trail, Moara decided not to risk and, feeling dizzy, stopped and was taken to Uuraçu.

Tiago Fantozzi, when stopping to help Carlos Ambrósio, declared that he was feeling lots of pain in his leg, where he had hurt yesterday when hitting a chicken. He said he didn’t know if he would go on in the race

Best Times For the second day in a row, Denísio do Nascimento leader of the off-road Brazilian Championship stayed in second place, with a total time of 4h35min25.

The second pilot to arrive, Kuba Przygonski, got the third best time, followee by Juca Bala, in 4h44min01. Sérgio Klaumann finished the day with the fifth best time: 4h47min41, leaving Rodolpho Mattheis in 6th with a total time of 4h51min38. Clécio Maestrelli was 7th in 4h55min11. Jacek Czachor 8th , followed by Dimas Mattos with 5h02min40. Times are extra-official.

Extra-official Classification of the 3rd day:

1) Zé Hélio – 4h32min29
2) Denísio do Nascimento – 4h35min25
3) Kuba Przygonski – 4h43min56
4) Juca Bala – 4h44min01
5) Sérgio Klaumann – 4h47min41
6) Rodolpho Mattheis – 4h51min38
7) Clécio Maestrelli – 4h55min11
8) Jacek Czachor – 4h55min38
9) Dimas Mattos – 5h02min40

Este texto foi escrito por: Redação Webventure