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Jakub Przygonski rides better time on bikes and breaks Zé Hélio’s invincibility, but is still the leader

Redação Webventure/ Parceiros

Zé Hélio is still the leader (foto: Caetano Barreira/
Zé Hélio is still the leader (foto: Caetano Barreira/

The 6th stage of the Sertões International Rally was a strategic step for all teams. In the Marathon Stage, from the start of Monday special to the start of Tuesday special, vehicles can’t have mechanical service from the team mechanics, from the support crew, and now, not even from pilots of different categories. And there were news in bikes category. Jakub Przygonski made the best time, putting an end to Zé Hélio’s invincibility. Polish pilot made the 361 km course in 4h39min04.

Zé Hélio is still the race leader, and finished the section in 4h41min25, 2min20 after the Polish pilot. Following them there were Pedro Bianchi, Jacek Czachor and Dimas Mattos.

In the accumulated time, the leader is still 2h24min24 ahead of Jakub, that accumulates 27h46min39 total time after six stages.

Pilot Pierluigi Clini had to kiss the stage goodbye today, because he fell from bike 17 and, with a possible fracture, had to be evacuated in the organization helicopter. He is doing well.

The special started in the city of Luís Eduardo Magalhães (BA) with an initial liaison of 36 kilometers. After the special, in Mansidão, pilots had to drive to Barra, from were they will ride towards the final stretch of the competition.

During the briefing of the sixth stage, on Sunday night, the organization announced a new rule for the Marathon Stage: that mechanical help from different categories in the Parc Fermé was forbidden.

Best Times Denísio do Nascimento is still showing his power. He made the third best time of the day. 4h47min02. Sérgio Henrique (Ike) Klaumann got the fourth position with 4h49min54.

Sertões veteran Juca Bala was fifth, in 4h52min03, and Pedro Bianchi, sixth, with 4h56min08. Polish pilot Jacek Czachor was the seventh pilot of the day, completing the special in 4h59min31, and Sérgio Augusto (Guto) Klaumann, eight, with a total time of 5h04min32. João Ricardo Geaquinto placed 9th 5h05min50, and Dimas Mattos completed the ten best, with 5h14min36. All are extra-official times.

Extra-official classification of the 6th stage:

1º) Jakub Przygonski – 4h39min04
2º) Zé Hélio – 4h41min25
3º) Denísio do Nascimento – 4h47min02
4º) Sérgio Henrique (Ike) Klaumann 4h49min54
5º) Juca Bala 4h52min03
6º) Pedro Bianchi 4h56min08
7º) Jacek Czachor 4h59min31
8º) Sérgio Augusto (Guto) Klaumann 5h04min32
9º) João Ricardo Geaquinto 5h05min50
10º) Dimas Mattos 5h14min36

Este texto foi escrito por: Redação Webventure

Last modified: junho 29, 2009

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Redação Webventure