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Keeping the pace, Zé Hélio chases his fifth Sertões cup

Redação Webventure/ Parceiros

Zé Hélio opens distance from Deni do Nascimento (foto: Caetano Barreira/
Zé Hélio opens distance from Deni do Nascimento (foto: Caetano Barreira/

Already in the 8th day of Sertões International Rally, Zé Hélio completed the 197 km of the stage in 2h20min20, and opened a reasonable advantage over Denisio do Nascimento in the general classification.

With 30h57min55, Hélio is around one hour ahead in general classification. Even though, the pilot keeps cool about his fifth title in Sertões. “I’m not thinking about it! I like the race, I am riding just as I was in the beginning, and I’ll ride like that until Natal, trying to keep my title”, said the pilot.

Zé says that his good result is due to good strategy, and also thanks to his bike. “I have set a pace since the beginning of the race in order not to risk myself or my equipment. It is strong, and I didn’t have to worry so much. I am still riding in the same pace. I’m having fun, and I like the race”.

With information from Thiago Padovanni, straight from Juazeiro do Norte (CE).

Este texto foi escrito por: Redação Webventure*

Last modified: julho 1, 2009

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Redação Webventure