
Last special is a complete one, with difficult navigation

10th stage: Caicó (RN) Natal (RN)
Initial liaison: 15 km
Special: 85 km
Final liaison: 250 km
Total of the day: 350 km

End of Sertões 2009. Today is Friday, July 3rd. The stage is not long. We have a total of 340 kilometers. The special begins near Caicó, 5 kilometers from the city, and the special has 85 kilometers, but this is no piece of cake. It starts fast and winding, passing by large rocks, a region that demands more navigation, and care with the vehicle. We will have three creek crossings, two hours of heavy trials, and the end, through farm roads, near São Vicente and Currais Novos, we will finish the 85 km special. We will have a long final liaison, 250 kilometers, passing near Natal, and going to São Gonçalo do Amarante, Baxaranguape and Jacumã, where we will have an interesting Super Prime at Dunas Douradas (Golden Dunes), from where they will drive to the finish line at Pigangui Lagoon. Ten fantastic days. We drove 5,056 kilometers, being 2,605 kilometers of special timed setcions. Lets go to the party and congratulate the Sertões International Rally 2009 winners.

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