
Mister Pelican, the voice in the air of Sertões International Rally

Claudio Ambiel commands the Pelican (foto: Theo Ribeiro/ www.webventure.com.br)

Straight from Petrolina (PE) – “Pelican listens, go on!”. This is the most common phrase heard in the frequency of Sertões International Rally radio. Cláudio Ambiel, aka Pelican, is the commander of the aircraft that gives support to the race communication.

For 10 years in a row, Cláudio pilots the single-engine Cessna Sky Rock. “My task here is communication. I make radio bridges, and take care of safety. If a vehicle had a problem, or an accident, I warn the medical staff to proceed to the rescue”, he explains. But his task goes far beyond this, since he is able to communicate with practically 100% of the race.

It all began in 1999, when Marcos Ermírio de Moraes, Dunas Race president and Sertões organizer, saw that it was possible to integrate the whole race communication using aircrafts. “But since one plane was not enough to cover the whole course, another aircraft was placed”, said Ambiel, 48.

The flights daily routine lasts 8 hours approximately, with a refueling stop. Besides the Pelican, the race has another plane, the Hawk, flown by Marcos himself. He usually takes off early, and the Pelican follows.

The technical staff that spreads along the course, some press cars, start, finish, doctors and pilots, all have access to the radio frequency. Through the radio, the checkpoints inform the timing of the vehicles, and pilots can inform accidents. “All information come to my ears, and I select whatever has to be passed on. If I pass on everything that I hear, than communication becomes impossible”, he comments.

During the flight, the radio doesn’t stay silent for more than a minute. As the information comes, Cláudio passes it on, because he reaches much farther than the vehicles on land.

Origin of the name Since the first time the race placed a second plane to help in the communication, Cláudio is the aircraft commander. Many people don’t even know his face, or his “true” name, but everybody has spoken with the Pelican.

“One of the aircrafts we used before was called Pelican, a Canadian airplane assembled in Brazil. I was baptized Pelica, and so it stayed. I have already changed my aircraft, but the name stayed, it’s a nickname”, explains the pilot.

“Here in the rally, I let my profession aside, to face the air”. Mechanical engineer and businessman in Indaiatuba, countyside of São Paulo, Cláudio doesn’t work exclusively as a pilot, but has in it a very pleasant hobby. “It is easy to do something we like. I like flying, and I’ve been a radio amateur for years, so I don’t have communication problems, and also I like rally and the entire move. So it is easy for me, and I do the best I can”, says the pilot, that has been flying for 29 years now.

Este texto foi escrito por: Thiago Padovanni/ www.webventure.com.br