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Nasser Al-Attiyah wins and recovers leadership in Sertões International Rally

Redação Webventure/ Parceiros

Volks keeps leading with Nasser (foto: Theo Ribeiro/
Volks keeps leading with Nasser (foto: Theo Ribeiro/

The cars special in the 7th day of the Sertões International Rally keeps Volkswagen team on top of the category, with the first place once again in the hands of Nasser Al-Attiyah and Timo Gottschalk, who completed the special in 2h37min16. Carlos Sainz and Lucas Cruz, scored 2h44min05 for the 240 timed kilometers.

The Qatari pilot recovered the leadership and keeps an advantage of 1min41 ahead of Sainz. “It was a hard day today, especially due to the sand. And also for being the Marathon Stage, I think this was the hardest day of the rally. But I am very happy with our performance, and because we’re back in the leadership. I’ll do my best tomorrow, and it looks like the cup will be decided only in Natal”, said Nasser.

Carlos Sainz didn’t bother placing second today, and for loosing the category leadership. “The special was closed today, and, in the end, there were lots of dust in our radiators. I had to stop three times to fix them, and we lost a lot of time. I think the dispute will be decided in the last stage only. The battle for the leadership is exciting”, said Touareg 301 pilot.

The race started in Barra (BA), with an initial liaison of 18 kilometers, and ended in Petrolina (PE), after 289 kilometers final liaison. Jean Azevedo and Youssef Haddad got the third time of the race, with 3h06min15.

Felipe Bibas/ Emerson Cavassin was the fourth pair to complete the special, in 3h07min54. The third Volkswagen crew, Maurício Neves/ Eduardo Bampi placed forth, in 3h27min39.

Luís Facco/ Sílvio Deusdará were the sixth pair of the special, with 3h30min53, and soon followed Roberto Reijers and Rogério Almeira, that took 3h40min47. All are extra-official times.

Reinaldo Varela/ Marcos Macedo didn’t start today. They had problems during the initial liaison yesterday, and decided not to fix the car before starting the Marathon. The problem stayed, and bothered them again, keeping them from starting today.

Varela and Marcão were towed to Petrolina (PE) where the car will be fixed, but no one knows if they are going to stay in the race.

Check out the 7th day extra-official times

1) Nasser Al-Attiyah/ Timo Gottschalk – 2h37min16
2)Carlos Sainz / Lucas Cruz – 2h44min05
3) Jean Azevedo/ Youssef Haddad 3h06min15
4) Felipe Bibas/ Emerson Cavassin 3h07min54
5) Maurício Neves/ Eduardo Bampi – 3h27min39
6) Luís Facco/ Sílvio Deusdará – 3h30min53

Este texto foi escrito por: Redação Webventure

Last modified: junho 30, 2009

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Redação Webventure