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Once again, Touaregs dominate the first places

Redação Webventure/ Parceiros

Riding fast  Sainz made the best time today (foto: )
Riding fast Sainz made the best time today (foto: )

Once again, there was no chance for competition. Carlos Saniz/ Lucas Cruz made so much dust that not even their team mates, Nasser Al Attiyah/ Timo Gottschack and Mauricio Neves/ Eduardo Bampi, could reach them. The Brazilian team found many problems on the trail today, and didn’t even get among the first five.

Unlike yesterday, one of the best rally pilots in the world and his navigator did not find any difficulty with the road book, and made an almost pristine special. “It was all right, we did not have any problems, and the car behaved well on this stage. The special was very good and beautiful”, said Carlos Sainz.

A special to forget This was not a good day for Mauricio Neves/ Eduardo Bampi and Fellipe Bibas/ Emerson Cavassin. The Volkswagen team, which had plenty of navigation problems yesterday, still didn’t manage to organize, and ended up breaking the car suspension. “On Km 50, we got to a longitudinal cattle grid and there was a stuck bike over it. I slowed down, engaged first gear and thought ‘I’m going to pass. If Nasser passed, so am I’. But I was too slow. As Nasser went much faster, his car jumped, and I didn’t. When I stopped and started back, the rear of the car fell into the bridge and broke down. Things happen, but there’s more to come tomorrow”, said Neves, that ended up forfeiting the special. The Pro Macchina team had a problem with the brakes, and had to stop for repairs.

Exhausting As the pilots and navigators arrived at Cidade de Goiás (GO) and hopped down the cars, it became clear how tiring was today’s special. It was practically unanimous that the physical demanding of this stage was surprising.

To Reinaldo Vareal, that made an excellent race with the fifth time, this was a hard day. “It is being hard on us so far. If the next eight days are as hard, we are going go miss home”. Another pilot that was also exhausted is Jean Azevedo. “It was very hard, very slow. Time wouldn’t pass, and the vehicle was demanded a lot. But here we are, in one piece, and that’s what counts”, says Azevedo.

But tiredness wasn’t something exclusive for those behind the wheels. Navigators also felt that. “The roads were very hard. Too many bumps, very hard ground. I’m very tired”, said Marco Macedo, Reinaldo Varela’s navigator.

Nevertheless, Stanger Eller said today pictured well what Sertões is. “The special was very pleasant. That’s what Sertões is all about. Hard, trial, slopes…”, said Riamburgo Ximenez’s navigator, that finished the day in third place.

Check out the five best times of the second stage in cars category:

1) Carlos Sainz/ Lucas Cruz 3h59min08s7
2) Nasser Saleh Al-Attiyah/ Timo Gottschalk 4h06min13s4
3) Riamburgo Ximenes De Faria/ Stanger Eller 4h27min35s9
4) Jean Azevedo/ Youssef Haddad 4h30min43s5
5) Reinaldo Varela/ Marcos Macedo 4h36min07s5

Este texto foi escrito por: Redação Webventure*

Last modified: junho 25, 2009

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