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Participants like the new format of the prologue

Redação Webventure/ Parceiros

The car drivers and navigators approved of the new format of the Sertões International Rally prologue. Up until last year there was only one night event in the arena mounted in front of the Falmboyant Shopping in Goiânia (GO) to define the starting order. Now there is a morning eliminatory phase in an improvised circuit at the Goiânia race track, and at night the duels are for the filling of the eight initial starting positions.

Beco Andreotti, Cristian Baumgart’s navigator, who came in second place this morning, saw a benefit to the competition itself in the new system. “What’s cool about this new prologue is that there will be a starting order that is more correct to each car’s rhythm tomorrow,” he said

The driver Marcos Baumgart, who came in eighth, stated that the Super Prime is an opportunity for the public to come into contact with the rally and he declared: “It was a bit tiring before. Now it is more relaxed. You must be totally focused and accelerate”.

Klever Kolberg, fifth place in the prologue, gave a good evaluation grade to the organization’s efforts. “It is interesting because one has to think of the show. It might work, it might not, but the important thing is to have the courage to change. I am in favor”, he opined.

The initial duels between the Super Prime cars, that begin at 19:30, will be: Jean Azevedo/Emerson Cavassin x Marcos Baumgart/Kleber Cincea; Cristian Baumgart/Beco Andreotti x Maurício Bortolanza/Gustavo Bortolanza; Riamburgo Ximenes/Stanger Eler x João Antonio Franciosi/Rafael Capoani; Reinaldo Varela/Eduardo Bampi x Klever Kolberg/Flavio Marinho.

Este texto foi escrito por: Andrei Spinassé

Last modified: agosto 9, 2011

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