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Slow special is compensated by beautiful landscape

Redação Webventure/ Parceiros

2nd stage: Santa Helena (GO) Goiás (GO)
# Initial liaison: 127 km
# Special: 334 km
# Final liaison: 8 km
Total of the day: 469 km

It is today that the race will really start. We will have a 127 Km liaison to open a quite complete 334 Km special. It has a slow start, with lots of hills and bumps down Serra do Caiapó, then the pilots will enter farmlands, with faster roads, towards the Serra Dourada, that offers amazing views. They will drive up the sierra and drive down a trial, and than move on through slow and farmlands until Goiás. This day will total 469 Km, and the special finishes practically in the city of Goiás.

Este texto foi escrito por: Redação Webventure

Last modified: junho 25, 2009

Redação Webventure
Redação Webventure