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Slow special will demand piloting and navigational skills

Redação Webventure/ Parceiros

9th stage: Juazeiro do Norte (CE) Caicó (RN)
Initial liaison: 39 km
Special: 141 km
Final liaison: 249 km
Total of the day: 429 km

We will leave Juazeiro do Norte towards Caicó. The special begins 39 Km ahead of Juazeiro, near Caririaçú. It has 141 kilomters, and it’s a slow special in a mountain region. We will pass by Aurora and cross Barro. A region where stones rule. There will also be short trials, and a medium speed winding section. It ends near Nazarezinho, and we’ll have a final liaison wit 249 km to. Total of the day: 429 kilometers.

Este texto foi escrito por: Redação Webventure*

Last modified: julho 2, 2009

Redação Webventure
Redação Webventure