
Summary of the Day: Carlos Sainz takes leadership in Sertões

Second place in quads: Carlo Collet (foto: Caetano Barreira/ www.webventure.com.br)

It was a day full of changes in the 17th Sertões International Rally. The changes in first places started in cars category. The Spanish pair Carlos Sainz/ Lucas Cruz won the sixth stage in 4h04min10s, and took the leadership in general classification. Volkswagen pilots completed this Monday section with almost 20 minutes ahead of Nasser Al-Attiyah and Timo Gottschalk that finished the stage in 4h21min09s.

This Monday marked the first section of the Marathon Stage. This part of the challenge starts in the beginning of Monday start, and finishes in Tuesday start, and this time, the vehicles can’t receive any service from mechanics, support team, and now, not even from pilots from different categories. This Monday stage, between Luis Eduardo Magalhães and Barra (BA), ran for 557 kilometers, 36 kilometers initial liaison, 361 kilometers of timed section, and 160 kilometers final liaison.

At this part, what counts is the experience in Sertões and previous rallies, because in Marathon Stage, speed goes down and the required navigators’ attention has to go up. The right choice of tires can also define success of the team. This Tuesday, the race goes on between Barra (BA) and Petrolina (PE).

The only category that didn’t change was trucks. Edu Piano/ Solon Mendes/ Davi Fonseca got the first place for the sixth time in a row. The trio finished the stage in 3h47min38 and opened 39min57 in general classification ahead of the second place. The pilot kept an average speed of 95 km/h during the course, 7 km/h faster than the fastest car, Carlos Sainz/ Lucas Senra.

Amable Barrasa and Guilherme Signoretti made the second best time of the stage 3h54min39, followed by Guido Salvini Netto/ Weidner Moreira/ Fernando Chwaigert, with 4h11min17.

Just like in cars, the dispute between bikes has news on the podium. Jakub Przygonski made the best time, putting an end to Zé Hélio’s invincibility. Nevertheless, Zé is still the leader in the accumulated time, with 2h24min24 ahead of the second place. The Brazilian pilot finished the course in 4h41min25, 2min20 after the Polisn. In third place came Denísio do Nascimento finishing in 4h47min02.

Cristiano Sousa, unbeaten for five stages on quads, didn’t manage to keep his first place in Marathon Stage, and lost the first place to Carlo Collet, that finished the special in 5h28min41. Cristiano placed second, with 5h46min26, followed by Márcio José Pessoa, with 5h57min28. Even with this result, leadership of the general classification is with Sousa, 48min52 ahead.

Monday results:


1) Carlos Sainz/ Lucas Cruz 4h04min10s
2) Nasser Al-Attiyah/ Timo Gottschalk 4h21min09s
3) Riamburgo Ximenes/ Stanger Eller 4h30min56s


1) Edu Piano/ Davi Fonseca/ Solon Mendes 3h47min38
2) Amable Barrasa/ Guilherme Petrine 3h54min39
3) Guido Salvini/ Fernando Chwaigert/ Weidner Moreira 4h11min17


1) Jakub Przygonski – 4h39min04
2) Zé Hélio – 4h41min25
3) Denísio do Nascimento – 4h47min02


1) Carlo Collet 5h28min41
2) Cristiano Sousa 5h46min26
3) Márcio José Pessoa 5h57min28

Race general classification:


1) Carlos Sainz/ Lucas Cruz 21h38min37s
2) Nasser Al-Attiyah/ Timo Gottschalk 21h43min46s
3) Jean Azevedo/ Youssef Haddad 23h59min06s


1) Edu Piano/ Davi Fonseca/ Solon Mendes 17h49min15s5
2) Amable Barrasa/ Guilherme Petrine 18h28min37s4
3) Guido Salvini/ Fernando Chwaigert/ Weidner Moreira 21h02min25s7


1) Zé Hélio- 25h23min56s7
2) Jakub Przygonsk- 26h09min16s4
3) Denísio do Nascimento 26h37min


1) Cristiano Sousa 29h47min16s8
2)Carlo Collet 30h36min9s
3) Márcio José Pessoa -33h35min59s3

Este texto foi escrito por: Webventure