
Tenth Day: Sertões International Rally arrives in Natal (RN)

Race ends among dunes landscape (foto: )

The last day of the Sertões International Rally 2009 will cross Natal dunes, that once again receive the pilots of the largest off-road race of the country. The safest capital of Brazil, according to the Applies Economical Research Institute IPEA, this capital was founded in December 25th 1599, and that’s the origin of the name (Natal means Christmas in Portuguese). It is the largest city of the state, with 774,230 inhabitants around its 170 km².

Nicknamed Cidade do Sol (Sun City), due to its average 300 sunny days per year, Natal will host a challenging and expected stage of Sertões. In 1942 it was considered by the US War Department, during the Second World War, one of the four most strategic points of the world, thanks to its place “on the corner” of Brazil.

In 2008 Natal suffered with uncommon heavy rains, that altered the off-road races that passed by its lands, avoiding flooded areas.

But we hope that for Sertões International Rally, the climate will be nice and Natal will sand for its nickname, since the proximity to the Equator makes the days have 15 hours of light.

Este texto foi escrito por: Webventure