
Truck 402 driver Guido Salvini, wins category T4.2 for the second time

Salvini’s truck overcomes difficulties in Sertões trails (foto: Marcelo Maragni/ www.webventure.com.br)

On the first two stages of the rally, Guido Salvini, Weidner Moreira and Fernando Chwaigert’s truck faced problems that not only let the trio’s moral down, but also let them around one and a half hour behind the first place in category T4.2. “It was very hard for us to catch up the first place, but the team was united, and we managed to enjoy a positive trauma from it all”, said Guido Salvini.

After overcoming those facts, the winner trio in truck 405 did not want to ride behind no one, and didn’t even get bothered with the crack on the windshield. “In the sixth stage we faced a very tight section, with low trees, and this ended up forcing us to reduce speed, because the lower branches were hitting the truck too hard”, explained the category T4.2 winner.

Still in Natal, Rio Grande do Norte state, the winner celebrated his second title in trucks category, and his ninth Sertões. “If I survive, I won’t give up, never”, joked the driver.

Salvini also said that there are too many differences between the two trucks categories in the competition, and that changes are necessary. “What surprised us more is that the fact that Edu Piano’s truck has placed 7th in one or the sections. This shows that the route must be revised, for there is no way a large truck can compete with a small truck”, said Salvini, who has been asking the organization to review the race, and change the measures in category T4.1 trucks.

Este texto foi escrito por: Renato Brasileiro/ www.webventure.com.br