
Volkswagen cars win the longest Sertões stage and are even more distant from the competition

Nasser makes competition and race organization eat dust (foto: Caetano Barreira/ www.webventure.com.br)

Another day of Volkswagen domination. Nasser and Sainz, started in first and second positions, and kept this way until the end of the special. But there was a change in the accumulated time. The Spanish pilot was the leader until yesterday, but turned to be second place today. The Qatari pilot took the leadership, almost a minute ahead.

The reason for this loss of efficiency of the former leaders was a piloting mistake. “We started far ahead of Nasser, but I slipped on a right turn, fell in a hole and had to wait for Maurício to tow me out”, finalized the pilot. He then asked Neves and Bampi to let him get back in the race ahead of them.

Brazilians Mauricio Neves/ Eduardo Bampi had good performance during the stage, and placed third in the day. Nevertheless, the position of the partners in the accumulated is much lower. For having forfeited the second day, Neves and Bampi are in the 8th place.

Their efficiency could have been better if Sainz had not made a mistake, which made them stop and help him. “This was a good special, we were doing good, steady, but when we saw Sainz stuck. We stopped, towed him and, after all, until he got back in the race, we lost a lot of time. It wasn’t just stop and go. But this was a good special, we had a little bit of everything. River, sand, it was a good selection”, declared Eduardo Bampi.

Mauricio Neves said that he was right to stop and help his teammates. “I think I would be too pretentious to enter the team without even training, and wish to win the rally. I am happy to be racing along witn Sainz and Nasser. This is fantastic, I have to drive a lot, and this is a good test terrain”, said the Brazilian pilot.

The best Brazilian team is Jean Azevedo/ Youssef Haddad. The Petrobras Lubrax pilots are holding third place in the general classification, and first place in the Prototype T1 category.

Check out the special results, and the accumulated times:

1) Nasser Al-Attiyah/ Timo Gottschalk 4h29min26s
2) Carlos Sainz/ Lucas Cruz 4h31min36s
3) Mauricio Neves/ Eduardo Bampi 4h35min37s
4) Jean Azevedo/ Youssef Haddad 4h55min55s
5) Roberto Reijers/ Marcos Rogério 5h16min07s

Accumulated classification

1) Nasser Al-Attiyah/ Timo Gottschalk 14h51min59s
2) Carlos Sainz/ Lucas Cruz 14h53min26s
3) Jean Azevedo/ Youssef Haddad 16h19min41s

Este texto foi escrito por: Redação Webventure