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Zé Hélio scores the best time in the first section of Sertões International Rally 2009

Redação Webventure/ Parceiros

The Sertões International Rally first special started at 9 a.m. this Wednesday 24th, in Goiania (GO), from where the pilots left to Santa Helena de Goiás. There were 256 kilometers of timed section, and 70 kilometers of liaisons. The highlight was pilot Zé Hélio, that scored the best time in bikes, after starting in 3rd place.

The Brazilian pilot finished the timed section at 12h06, with 59min50 total time, and rode the final liaison to Santa Helena, where he took part in another Super Prime. “This was a pleasant day, a good start. It was even simpler than I imagined. A day with lots of navigation, but with lots of piloting. My machine is very good. By the time I noticed, it was finished”, he celebrated after his arrival.

He had to face some difficulties on the way, like a fall and animals on the road. “I had lots of fun, had a little fall, but nothing serious, and I had some difficulties because I was the first on the trail. There were also lots of animals, I ran over a bird that covered me on blood, and I also had to repel lots of cows”, he said.
Only 2min07 after Zé, Tiago Fantozzi, arrived (3h01min58), followed by Juca Bala (3h04min38), Pedro Bianchi, with 3h11min05 then, Sérgio Klaumann, with 3h13min34 Carlos Ambrósio, Dimas Matos, Clécio Mastrelli and Denísio do Nascimento.

“The special was relatively easy, not much navigation, and it was relatively easy. The special didn’t demand much of physical strength and there were hard ground sections that were very fast. For me it was a good day, not much mistakes and it was good for tuning”, said Fantozzi in the end of the special.
The Portuguese Pedro Bianchi had to deal with a navigation mistake, that took him many kilometers away from the right track. “The rally is still beginning, and I can recover, but I could see that it is going to be a hard rally”, he said.

In quads, Cristiano Sousa was the first to finish the race, with a total time of 1h39min09, and Carlo Collet finished second, 9min06 after.

Super Prime in Santa Helena After completing the 327 kilometers of the race this Wednesday 24th, the pilots had to race a new Super Prime, in Santa Helena (GO).

Zé Hélio finished the course with the fastest time, totaling 1min49. He raced against Tiago Fantozzi, that scored 1min50. After them, Pedro Bianchi, with 1min51s05, and Dimas Mattos, with 1min58s08.

Check out the extra official classification:
1) Zé Hélio – 2h59min50
2) Thiago Fantozzi – 3h01min58
3) Juca Bala – 3h04min38
4) Pedro Bianchi – 3h11min05
5) Sergio Klaumann – 3h13min34

Updated at 19h42

Este texto foi escrito por: Redação Webventure

Last modified: junho 24, 2009

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Redação Webventure